First, install kdiff3 for windows.

Second, create the following script somewhere (such as ~/, and change the location of your kdiff3.exe to an appropriate cygwin-style path to where you executable really is). The script is based on Pete Goodliffe’s one he used for svn. I’ve expanded on the idea to make it more flexible. See my next post for a more general version that can be used for any windows program

#!/bin/sh RESULT="" for arg do if [[ "" != "$arg" ]] && [[ -e $arg ]]; then OUT=`cygpath -wa $arg` else OUT=$arg if [[ $arg == -* ]]; then OUT=$arg else OUT="'$arg'" fi fi RESULT=$RESULT" "$OUT done /cygdrive/d/Program\ Files\ \(x86\)/KDiff3/kdiff3.exe $RESULT

Finally, configure your ~/.gitconfig to: [diff] tool = kdiff3 [merge] tool = kdiff3 [mergetool "kdiff3"] path = ~/ keepBackup = false trustExitCode = false

No thanks to wordpress for ruining the whitespace formatting… :(

Try running git difftool (make sure you have some modified files) to make sure it works.