TL;DR: SJS is a type inference and checker for JavaScript, in early development. The core inference engine is working, but various features and support for the full browser JS environment and libraries are in the works.

SJS (Haskell source on github) is an ongoing effort to produce a practical tool for statically verifying JavaScript code. The type system is designed to support a safe subset of JS, not a superset of JS. That is, sometimes, otherwise valid JS code will not pass type checking with SJS. The reason for not allowing the full dynamic behavior of JS, is to guarantee more safety and (as a bonus) allows fully unambiguous type inference.

The project is still in early development, but the core inference engine is more or less feature complete and the main thing that’s missing is support for all of JS’s builtin functions / methods and those that are present in a browser environment.

Compare to:

Of all existing tools, Flow seems to be the closest to what I aim to achieve with SJS. However, SJS supports type system features such as polymorphism which are not currently supported by Flow. On the other hand, Flow has Facebook behind it, and will surely evolve in the near future.

Closure seems to be designed for adapting an existing JS code base. They include features such as implicit union types and/or a dynamic “any” type, and as far as I know don’t infer polymorphic types. The fundamental difference between SJS and some of the alternatives is that I’ve designed SJS for more safety, by supporting a (wide) subset of JS and disallowing certain dynamic typing idioms, such as assigning values of different types to the same variable (in the future this may be relaxed a bit when the types are used in different scopes, but that’s a whole other story).

Ok, let’s get down to the good stuff:


Support for type annotations for specifically constraining or for documentation is planned.

Polymorphism is value restricted, ML-style.

Equi-recursive types are constrained to at least include a row type in the recursion to prevent inference of evil recursive types.


Note: An ongoing goal is to improve readability of type signatures and error messages.



var num = 2;
var arrNums = [num, num];

SJS infers (for arrNums):


That is, an array of numbers.


var obj = { something: 'hi', value: num };

Inferred type:

{something: TString, value: TNumber}

That is, an object with two properties: ‘something’, of type string, and ‘value’ of type number.

Functions and this

In JS, this is one truly awful part. this is a dynamically scoped variable that takes on values depending on how the current function was invoked. SJS knows about this (pun intended) and infers types for functions indicating what this must be.

For example:

function useThisData() {
    return + 3;

SJS infers:

(this: {data: TNumber, ..l} -> TNumber)

In words: a function which expects this to be an object with at least one property, “data” of type number. It returns a number.

If we call a function that needs this incorrectly, SJS will be angry:

> useThisData();
Error: Could not unify: {data: TNumber, ..a} with TUndefined

Because we called useThisData without a preceding object property access (e.g. obj.useThisData), it will get undefined for this. SJS is telling us that our expected type for this is not unifiable with the type undefined.


Given the following function:

function makeData(x) {
    return {data: x};

SJS infer the following type:

((this: a, b) -> {data: b})

In words: A function that takes anything for its this, and an argument of any type, call it b. It returns an object containing a single field, data of the same type b as the argument.

Row-type polymorphism (static duck typing)

Given the following function:

function getData(obj) {

SJS infers:

((this: h, {data: i, ..j}) -> i)

In words: a function taking any type for this, and a parameter that contains at least one property, named “data” that has some type i (could be any type). The function returns the same type i as the data property.

SJS is an ongoing project - I hope to blog about specific implementation concerns or type system features soon.