Read the introductory blog post.
dynamic scoping rules.Support for type annotations for specifically constraining or for documentation is planned. Polymorphism is value restricted, ML-style. Equi-recursive types are constrained to at least include a row type in the recursion to prevent inference of evil recursive types.
Convert yer big ol' XML files to newfangled JSON. Main feature: very low memory
which makes it suitable for big XML files. Haskell
Want fancy features? Try xml-to-json instead (good for small files). The not-fast version of xml-to-json has the following extra features:
A toy traffic simulator, in Javascript
Each car is individually simulated, with driver "personalities".
A web-based UI for "throwing stuff on a page and sharing it." Allows adding rich formatted text, images, videos, maps, a drawing canvas, and other goodies. No login, no social network membership, no plugins.
Source code (built using GWT
The robot that chases people to teach them Haskell
I gave a talk about cv-combinators at the NYC-Haskell meetup group.
I wrote a number of Haskell libraries to get it to work:
There is this beautiful poster too.
A semantic graph editor.
It has a precise denotational design, and an old project page.
Check the graphui directory in the "stable" branch. From way back in 2007.Haskell
but more principled, (using Yampa for FRP).With Eyal Lotem. LiveC was a "semantic code editor" (very basic prototype). It is the ancient precursor to the modern Lamdu, a major ongoing project by Eyal Lotem and Yair Chuchem.
Original funky python
the livec directory in the "stable" branch.
Features include: