Type-safe enums in C, using a clang plugin
Safer C programming
Const when you need it
Two implementations of DHM type inference
In Python, don't initialize local variables unnecessarily
Beware of 'var' in for loops, JS programmers
infernu news
A simple problem with recursive types and subtyping
Identity Crisis
The wl-pprint package maintainer...
Type guards are not inferable
Infernu's type system informal summary - first draft
A simple bash script for monitoring the output of a running process
Ad-hoc polymorphism, type families, ambiguous types, and Javascript
Inference of 'new' statements, and ambiguous types
SJS is now known as Inferno
Ok, Internet, I heard you. I need a new name for the JS type inferer/checker.
Introducing SJS, a type inferer and checker for JavaScript (written in Haskell)
xml-to-json - new version released, constant memory usage
Generate Javascript classes for your .NET types
Jammed, the simple traffic simulator
xml-to-json is now a library
C# Pitfalls, Compiler Bugs & .NET gotchas
Flat design sucks.
Brackets - a great editor for Javascript, HTML and CSS
Windows 8 is the worst.
Firefox: Middle click to open new tab VS. annoying auto scroll feature
Penalty search, part 4 and finale: the x-section algorithm
Penalty search, part 3: exploring linear cost
Penalty-search problem revisited: Dynamic Programming & Control.Parallel to the rescue
Finding the perfect baking time for that soufflé (or: optimal search with test penalty)
git admin: An alias for running git commands as a privileged SSH identity
cabal install FTGL on Windows, and getting exe's that use it to work
Custom error pages and WCF exceptions in IIS, and a case of bad UI
Introducing PopSimple: An experiment in web content mashup
.NET 4.5 improves ORM performance across the charts
My Git Aliases
When to scroll? The problem of infinite-sized UI elements inside a scrollviewer
I, Robot
How to use kdiff3 as a difftool / mergetool with cygwin git
How to run any windows program from cygwin, still using cygwin-style path
Axioms for FRP: Discussing insensitivity
Axiomatic basis for FRP
Haskell-controlled Segway robot
Point-wise FRP, plus memory - Part 1
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